"Co-located branches" by convention

Max Bowsher maxb at f2s.com
Mon Nov 30 22:57:06 GMT 2009

Algis Kabaila wrote:
> On Tuesday 01 December 2009 02:04:43 INADA Naoki wrote:
>> It's a interesting implementation.
>> One point: how about using ".bzrmeta/branches/" instead of ".bzrbranches/"
>> ?
> Following your path, how about 
> xxx/
>    .bzrmeta/
>        branches
>        tags
> and you are then mimicking svn in the setup.  Perhaps it would satisfy
> former subversion users.  And to clone svn usage is one path to wider adoption 
> of Bazaar. Perhaps.

As a longtime svn user now dabbling in bzr, I don't think that's at all
the right thing to do. Svn users may be accustomed to tags being in a
directory in the server-side repository, but they are almost never
present as an actual local directory on disk.


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