"Co-located branches" by convention

Neil Martinsen-Burrell nmb at wartburg.edu
Mon Nov 30 22:13:57 GMT 2009

On 2009-11-30 16:01 , Andrew Cowie wrote:
> On Tue, 2009-12-01 at 00:04 +0900, INADA Naoki wrote:
>> One point: how about using ".bzrmeta/branches/" instead of ".bzrbranches/" ?
> Or couldn't it just be .bzr/colocated/ [or something]? It seems an awful
> shame to clutter up projects' top level directories with yet
> another .bzr* file/directory.

That train has left the station.  For a present solution to the 
versioned metadata situation, Bazaar core devs decided (?) to go with 
files under the .bzrmeta directory.  This is certainly preferable to 
.bzrignore, .bzrexternal, .bzrautomirror, .bzremail, ... all in the 
project's  top level directory.  Brownie points to the first person with 
a patch to support .bzrmeta/ignore :)

As for the present question of where to put colocated branches, I don't 
think that the .bzr directory is the right place, since we have been 
telling users *not* to do anything inside of that directory, and we 
don't have any UI--nor any prospects of one--for managing colocated 
branches.  Better then, to put them in a separate directory on the 
filesystem so that people can operate on them using ordinary tools.


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