Usage discussion from the GNU Emacs project.

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at
Mon Nov 30 12:56:59 GMT 2009

Ian Clatworthy wrote:
> Óscar Fuentes wrote:
>>> What operations are a problem?
>> log, annotate.
> Attached are the benchmark figures I see running bzr-usertest with bzr's
> latest trunk and Emacs rev 98788. $file in this run is ChangeLog. As you
> can see, many log operations are fast enough (under 2 seconds). We do
> need to improve log speed on a file or directory though.
> I have 2 patches for log performance I can dig up:
> * one makes 'log everything' 5-10% faster by slight changes to how
>   strings are built before outputting them

I've resubmitted this one as it's a net win for Emacs. See and the
attached benchmark report (bzr-pending is bzr's trunk + this patch).

> * one makes 'log file' show output immediately if the history
>   of the file is relatively flat (vs bushy because of changing in
>   lots of merges). In some cases, it makes the overall time slower
>   but it has the advantage of immediately displaying something over
>   waiting until it's calculated the full revision graph.

My latest benchmarking shows this is currently a net loss: 4s to 10s for
total time for 'bzr log ChangeLog'. That doesn't feel a fair balance for
"instant" output of something. Could you grab the code, try it on
several files (I suspect recently added and infrequently changed files
will be *much* faster to log than old, frequently changed files) and let
me know whether you find the experience better or not please? Perhaps
there's some middle ground available that keeps overall time down while
giving some results faster?

Here's the patch:

Ian C.
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