Bazaar does not support umlauts in file names on Mac OS X

Jean-Francois Roy bahamut at
Sun Nov 29 17:05:09 GMT 2009

On Nov 28, 2009, at 03:29, John Szakmeister wrote:
> This may or may not be helpful, but this is what Erik ended up
> proposing for SVN:
> Admittedly, constantly recoding paths is probably not the best idea
> for performance.  OTOH, having things Just Work is a good win.
> -John

Oh, one thought that occurred to me upon reading his proposal is that he didn't seem to consider using platform code for doing this, namely CFString / NSString. CFString has API specifically designed for creating a CFString object from a filesystem path, for converting between the various unicode compositions and for comparing strings using Unicode. CFString relies on libicu for the heavy lifting (which is also built-in to the system).


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