Open source (Emacs) development using Bazaar (Explorer) tutorial

Ben Finney ben+bazaar at
Fri Nov 27 07:58:56 GMT 2009

Ian Clatworthy <ian.clatworthy at> writes:

> With the Emacs team about to switch to Bazaar, I put together a
> tutorial last night explaining how *I* think open source projects
> ought to use Bazaar. The tutorial uses Bazaar Explorer but the
> workflows equally apply to those using the command line. The example
> project used is GNU Emacs but the processes apply to many open source
> projects, either already on Launchpad or capable or being mirrored
> there.

Thank you very much for putting this together. It looks like a good
guide and I hope it's helpful to the Emacs developers in coming up to
speed with their new VCS.

> As always, feedback is most welcome. (For example, I suspect qsend
> could be more nicely configured but I don't use it myself.) I'd
> particularly like to hear from the new users about anything which
> needs more or better explanation.

The first part that confused me is this:

    When the download completes, Bazaar Explorer will open a new page
    with a title of trunk [emacs]. Close the Branch dialog.

What is a “new page”? Is that the same as a window, or a dialogue box,
or a tab, or something else? Is it the same as “the Branch dialog”? Is
this new window the same one that I'm supposed to interact with as the
passage continues?

 \        “If this is your first visit to the USSR, you are welcome to |
  `\                                          it.” —hotel room, Moscow |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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