bzrhub ?

Ali Sabil ali.sabil at
Fri Nov 27 07:54:00 GMT 2009

On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 2:32 AM, Martin Pool <mbp at> wrote:
> 2009/11/27 Ben Finney <ben+bazaar at>:
>> Xavier Maillard <xma at> writes:
>>> I am pretty sure this has already been asked but are you aware of
>>> anything closed to what github does for Git but for bzr ? I know
>>> Launchpad (I use it) but most of the time I do not need all of its
>>> features. A bzrhub would be enough for me.
>> For those not fully familiar with either Launchpad or Github, could you
>> list the features you would expect of a “bzrhub” service?
> Even for those who do know them, it would be useful to know more
> specifically what you [xma] mean.  It sounds like the problem is
> Launchpad has features that get in the way of simple uses?
> --
> Martin <>

Personally I think the difference is much more fundamental than
launchpad having features that get into the way. Github and bitbucket
are basically simple social networks mashed with a revision control
system. Which basically makes them people centric, whereas launchpad
is project and team centric.

I think it would be really good if launchpad had another "ui" that is
centered around people and that would resemble github and bitbucket,
and that uses the same infrastructure.


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