Usage discussion from the GNU Emacs project.

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at
Fri Nov 27 06:20:38 GMT 2009

Ben Finney writes:
 > "Stephen J. Turnbull" <stephen at> writes:
 > > If Bazaar doesn't care, I don't care.
 > Who is "Bazaar" in this usage?

The community, as represented by this list, and especially the
subcommunity of active developers.

 > I don't know what you expect the Bazaar folk to do, if the Savannah
 > tools are stuck at Bazaar version 1.5.

I'm not sure, either.  Dig foxholes, maybe.  But see below.

 > Okay. It seems you're wanting some other people to speak with RMS or
 > otherwise change his mind. So who has RMS's ear on this?

Stefan Monnier; as I mentioned, he seems unwilling to push RMS or

 > > What I'm complaining about here is bzr fans complaining about the
 > > "bzr is slow" meme. Something needs to be done about that.
 > Well, for a long time, there was significant merit in such a claim. A
 > lot of energy went into making newer versions of Bazaar so that claim
 > could be falsified.

But making things better doesn't actually change memes.  What does
work is marketing and active education.

 > > There's clearly a "bzr doesn't need to be effectively set up because
 > > users don't care very much" meme incubating at Savannah. That's really
 > > not good.
 > Perhaps it's not sufficiently clear. Where is this meme evident?

In the Savannah support requests.  Read and weep: and  Note that the status is
closed, the reason "wont do"!  I'm not sure what that means, since is still open.

BTW has not gotten a response
after 93 hours. is up to 15
days with no response.  That's probably just "normal lag" at Savannah,
but I suspect it has to do with an underlying factor that none of the
savannah-hackers have taken ownership of Bazaar support.

 > Given that it's evident, I agree that's not good. What exactly are
 > you asking to be done about it?

Well, if anybody has RMS's cellphone number, call him up! :-)

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