The progress bar that doesn't convey any sense of progress (was Re: ...)

Andrew Cowie andrew at
Fri Nov 27 02:00:07 GMT 2009

On Thu, 2009-11-26 at 11:51 +0900, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> Tiny cheap suggestions: (1) If the progress bar is not going to move
> during the download, just replace it with a simple spinner: (/).

People have been asking for this for a while. For reasons I don't
understand, the Bazaar team really like their progress bar. Not sure
what good it does when all it really manages to convey is the impression
that bzr is slow, or not doing anything, or wedged.

The part I love is how the progress bar goes away for a moment, then
resets to zero, then shows 50%, then still shows 50% about a minute
later, then goes away again, then blasts from 0% to 100% really fast.

Meanwhile there's all this really cool text stuff going on on the right
hand 20 characters of the screen. Not really sure what it's saying,
though; the progress bar is in the way.


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