Crushed by a giant packfile

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Thu Nov 26 05:38:47 GMT 2009

Chris McCormick пишет:
> On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 02:59:35PM +1000, Ian Clatworthy wrote:
>> Chris McCormick wrote:
>>> If you could point me to a tutorial or some documentation on how to do this, I
>>> would really appreciate it.
>> Very briefly:
>> 1. bzr fast-export trunk >
>> 2. bzr fast-import-filter -x bad-file >
>> 3. bzr fast-import
>> See
> Wonderful, thanks Ian.
> Is there some way I can see which revisions are involved in the packfile or
> does that make no sense? Is there some way to use bzr log to see how large a
> particular commit was? I've had a look at the man pages for log, log-format,
> and search, but I can't seem to find a way to work out the size of a particular
> commit.

Maybe you can use log -p and inspect diffs of revisions? All binary files which will be found are
under suspect.

Of course you can just use bzrlib API and inspect revision trees one by one for the size of
contained files.

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