Resolving conflicts with Bazaar Explorer

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at
Wed Nov 25 05:22:25 GMT 2009

David Muir wrote:
> So I did what any gui oriented guy would do and fired up
> Bazaar Explorer.
> I have it set up to use meld, so meld dutifully opens up the BASE, THIS
> and OTHER files in a 3 way diff. But now what?  The docs aren't very
> clear about this.

Here's my workflow for resolving conflicts using Bazaar Explorer.

0. The status view shows the files in conflict, as well as noise telling
you .THIS, .BASE and .OTHER files have been created. Each file in
conflict shows as a link.

1. I click on each conflict in turn, search for '<<<' and resolve the
conflict by hand. Once all the conflicts are addressed in a file, I save
it and open the next one.

2. When I've addressed all the conflicts, I hit the little 'Conflicts'
icon next to the Conflicts: title. That opens qconflicts.

3. I hit "Auto-resolve", it tells me all conflicts are gone and I close
qconflicts. The status view automatically refreshes.

In other words, I don't get much value out of qconflicts or an external
merge tool. OTOH, it's damn fast and I'm comfortable just using my text

Hope this helps,
Ian C.

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