bzr-git, the git map, fetching revisions, and being very slow

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at
Tue Nov 24 11:43:06 GMT 2009

Jelmer Vernooij wrote:

> In this situation dpush needs the Git sha1's of the objects he's trying
> to push into the remote git repository. bzr-git creates this map during
> import time but it only stores it in the target bzr branch during the
> import, the map is not copied around when branches based on that
> original import are created (since there is no hook in bzr for this).

One possibility is to put the map in .bzrmeta/git-map. The data would
then be carted around, though it could potentially cause end-user
confusion is they were required to resolve merges.

Another option is to add "Luggage" as a feature to the core, so stuff
like this can be propagated. See It would make me really
happy to see that spec implemented driven by a need like this.

Ian C.

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