bzr-git, the git map, fetching revisions, and being very slow

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at
Sat Nov 21 20:58:03 GMT 2009

On Sat, 2009-11-21 at 11:24 +0000, Russel Winder wrote: 
> Updating the git map, as happens after taking a branch of a Bazaar
> branch bound to a Git repository which is then bound to the same Git
> repository and updated, takes ages.  We cannot blame NFS and TDB here as
> this is on the machine with the real discs locally.  It has taken about
> 45mins to update the git map for 1749 revisions.
> It gets worse :-(  it then fetched 38 revisions and this took about 50
> mins.
Please file a bug about this. We should probably get bzr to provide a
hook that can be used to copy the sha map when cloning a bzr branch. 

> This seems sadly slow compared to Git.
It's unfair to compare imports from git to bazaar with native clones
between git repositories. Compare with pulling from a git repository to
a git repository using bzr instead.



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