bzr-pipeline, installers and explorer

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at
Fri Nov 20 11:32:00 GMT 2009

Russel Winder writes:

 > Is it me (probably is) or is there no page on looms on the Bazaar site.
 > I find (*) but there seems no
 > equivalent for looms and the Launchpad project page doesn't appear to
 > point to any page for a run up.

What I know of are

Barry Warsaw also provided a couple of quick examples in PEP 374
(Separation of issue dependencies):

(there may be others in the bzr sections of the PEP, but I didn't see
any in a quick review).

 > I have what I think is a very good use for one of pipe or loom --
 > maintaining a long-lived feature branch where it is crucial to track the
 > mainline but where the feature is very slow of development (**).
 > (**) Git branches make this very easy in some ways and horrendously
 > awful in others -- moans and grumbles about this available on request.

Hm; that's exactly the kind of case I'm talking about.

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