Emacs Fastimport Issues

Jason Earl jearl at notengoamigos.org
Fri Nov 13 13:46:00 GMT 2009

Alexander Belchenko <bialix at ukr.net> writes:

> Jason Earl пишет:
>> I probably should have deleted my branch (or something).  I am not
>> entirely sure what the proper launchpad etiquette is.
> You don't need to delete but it's desirable to mark branch as
> Abandoned so it goes off the list of active branches. Open your branch
> page on LP and click on Change details, then for Branch status select
> Abandoned.

Thanks for the advice.  I actually deleted that branch as it had no
redeeming qualities.  I changed the status of my other branch to
abandoned because, while it does not have value to the greater
fastimport community, I still will probably use it.

Hopefully that is acceptable.


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