[RFC] Ask for confirmation if the commit message is a file name

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Thu Nov 12 06:42:46 GMT 2009

Robert Collins пишет:
> On Wed, 2009-11-11 at 21:28 -0500, John Szakmeister wrote:
>> You can't really uncommit if you're operating against a foreign repo,
>> or in checkout mode.  I'd prefer that you had to force it if the
>> message is the name of a file.
> In principle bzr-git can uncommit just fine, and similarly for bzr-hg.
> bzr-svn is more limited, but I don't think we should design our UI
> around the lowest common denominator.
> In checkout mode you can uncommit just fine too.

How about uncommit the checkout of branch for which append_revisions_only set to True?

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