Are there plugins available for Atlassian Fisheye or Atlassian Jira?

Eric B. ebenze at
Mon Nov 9 20:41:24 GMT 2009


I'm a long time CVS user and am looking for a better solution.  We have been 
using CVS for close to 10 years now, and our codebase has been pretty long 
since built on CVS.  However, CVS has recently really been starting to show 
its age with lack of support for several key needs.

I found Bazaar while combing through different solutions, and from the docs 
that I have read, it sounds extremely interesting and promising.  However, 
one thing that is a little unclear for me is if anyone has successfully 
managed to make a Jira and/or Fisheye plugin for it.

I found a couple of threads that related to this from last year, but 
couldn't find anything recent about it.  From Atlassian's site, they are 
both open issues seemingly as things that they would like to do, but don't 
particularly find a priority.

Has anyone in the Bazaar community had any success with plugins for either / 
both?  Are there any plans for Bazaar to create the necessary plugins since 
Atlassian seems a little reticent about it?

Thanks for the information!


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