Any ex ClearCase or VSS users out there?

Maritza Mendez martitzam at
Mon Nov 9 17:41:24 GMT 2009

David... You are quite correct.  As a clearcase user I understand what
you mean by "patience"...I would call it "frustration" actually.  :)
I did not mean to suggest that the difference is a matter of
preference or even equivalence.  Probably my bad English.


On 11/9/09, David Timothy Strauss <david at> wrote:
> ----- "Maritza Mendez" <martitzam at> wrote:
>> [...] ClearCase fundamentally tracks history of each file, from which the
>> history of a branch must be inferred. [...] Conversely, bzr (like some
>> other tools) tracks the history of branches, from which the history of
>> individual files can be inferred.
> It's more than just a difference of preference. Inferring the history of a
> file from the atomic commits on a branch (the Bazaar method) is a
> theoretically sound practice. Inferring the history of a branch from changes
> to individual files requires heuristics or a lot of user patience.

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