bzr-Explorer could be a better learning tool.

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Sat Nov 7 23:15:34 GMT 2009

Algis Kabaila пишет:
> On Saturday 07 November 2009 21:30:30 Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>> Algis Kabaila пишет:
>>> On Friday 06 November 2009 21:22:44 Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>>>> Algis Kabaila пишет:
>>>>> Would you support my lodging a feature request on the bug tracker,
>>>>> please. Not much to do for you, just say 'yes'.
>>> I now have lodged a bug #476 025 on the bug tracker. Perhaps you would
>>> like to look at it and add whatever you think should be added to it.
>>> Thank you for the useful discussion,
>> Please don't ask the permissions to file a bug. If some of QBzr devs
>> decided the bug is wrong we just close them as won't fix or invalid.
>> That's ok.
> Thanks for the info. As you probably realise, I am a new kid on the block, in 
> spite of my age. I just thought that it would be sensible to discuss it on the 
> mailng list first and then it would be polite to ask.

Yes, I understand what you mean.


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