Corrupt branch?

Neil Martinsen-Burrell nmb at
Fri Nov 6 16:29:31 GMT 2009

On 2009-11-06 09:04 , David Muir wrote:
> I've already filed a bug, but figured I'd post here to see if anyone has
> a quick fix.
> When I run `bzr diff`, I get
> bzr: ERROR: bzrlib.errors.NoSuchRevision:
> CHKInventoryRepository('file:///home/dmuir/www/book_dev/.bzr/repository/' <file:///home/dmuir/www/book_dev/.bzr/repository/%27>)
> has no revision dmuir at
> Seems that most other commands work fine including commit and uncommit.
> Hope someone can help.

As a further diagnostic step, you can run ``bzr check`` in that branch 
and see what it says.  It is very thorough and it should identify 
clearly what the problem is.  Another thing is the the Bazaar core devs 
have a strong commitment to getting these sorts of data integrity 
problems investigated and fixed, so I imagine you should be hearing from 
them soon.


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