bzr-Explorer could be a better learning tool.

Algis Kabaila akabaila at
Thu Nov 5 18:43:25 GMT 2009

On Friday 06 November 2009 05:31:08 Alexander Belchenko wrote:
> Algis Kabaila пишет:
> > On Thursday 05 November 2009 22:42:36 Alexander Belchenko wrote:
> >> Algis Kabaila пишет:
> >>> On Thursday 05 November 2009 21:11:14 Alexander Belchenko wrote:
> >>>> Algis Kabaila пишет:
> >>>>> bzr-Explorer is the *killer-application* for Bazaar.
> >>>
> >>> [..]
> I've implemented it in as
>         self.process_widget.logMessageEx("Run command: "+'
> '.join(cmd_line), "cmdline")
>         self.process_widget.do_start(cwd, *args)
> We need to move it to (process_widget._start_next to enable
> this output for all subprocess-based commands).

Thanks for the information. Currently my learning curve it Qt apps is very 
steep  :(  - I am still on the  tutorial example of Polish editor ("edytor"):

So there is a long road to a place where I could discuss the statement of your 
program snippet.  This just illustrates my point that if I were to do this, it 
would take me a lot of learning and would take a long time to accomplish 
anything worth while.  Right now it is 5.45 am in Canberra where I live and I 
might return to bed as I got up at 3 am.  One of those nights...


Algis Kabaila, MEngSc, PhD(Eng)

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