Question about features

Gordon Tyler gordon at
Thu Nov 5 16:23:40 GMT 2009

Daniel Carrera wrote:
> In principle, what I really need is a way to send stuff to the test 
> server without having to commit, but without losing the branching and 
> merging feature that a VCS provides. I know of nothing that provides 
> precisely that, but I recently posted on way I can use rsync to get 
> something that's good enough.

Honestly, I think you're better off using rsync for something like that. 
There's nothing preventing you from using rsync AND Bazaar. For example:

bzr branch trunk new-feature-blah
cd new-feature-blah
...rsync to test server...
...hack some more...
...rsync to test server...
...clean up hacks...
bzr commit -m "Added first part of feature"
...rsync to test server...
...hack some more...
...rsync to test server...
...clean up hacks...
bzr commit -m "Added second part of feature"
cd ../trunk
bzr merge ../new-feature-blah

My point is that needing to transfer what you're currently working on to 
your test server has nothing to do with your VCS.


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