Question about features

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at
Thu Nov 5 13:08:20 GMT 2009

On Thu, 2009-11-05 at 12:32 +0000, Tom Widmer wrote:
> Daniel Carrera wrote:
> > Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> >> Daniel Carrera writes:
> >>
> >>  > A problem I'm having is that Bazaar distinguishes between a branch, 
> >> a  > tree, a checkout, and a repository. That's four different terms. 
> >> I come  > from the simpler world of darcs where "branch = working 
> >> directory" and  > that's it.
> >>
> >> You can work that way in Bazaar, but your particular workflow
> >> (frequently using obliterate) is poorly supported (basically for the
> >> reasons Ben Finney presents; the Bazaar developers mostly agree with
> >> him, although there are a variety of rationales among them).
> > 
> > We might have a misunderstanding. I don't need to use "obliterate". 
> > That's just a shortcut for "uncommit + revert". What I do use often is 
> > uncommitting a patch other than the most recent one.
> Bazaar is quite bad at history editing of this kind I think. It's very 
> hard to uncommit changes that have already been incorporated into other 
> branches/looms/pipelines. Really, you just need to make another commit 
> that corrects the problem.
Unfortunately this is inherent in the design of most modern DVCS'es,
only Darcs handles this really well.

> Bzr Rebase is the sum-total of built-in history rewriting support I 
> think: . Unfortunately, I don't think this 
> supports rebasing backwards as such, which is what you need to be able 
> to uncommit changes that have already been branched from.
Rebase to my knowledge supports rebasing backwards fine. Alternatively,
you can use bzr-fastimport/fastexport and edit the stream.



Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at> -
Jabber: jelmer at
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