Comparison with Git, Mercurial or Darcs?

Ben Finney ben+bazaar at
Thu Nov 5 09:26:18 GMT 2009

Daniel Carrera <dcarrera at> writes:

> How does a VCS differ from an SCM? I thought that SCM was Source Code
> Manager and was just another word for VCS.

It's unfortunate that people conflate those two, yes.

An SCM is a Software Configuration Management tool
<URL:> has
a broader focus than a VCS, and.

SCM includes VCS, so a good VCS tool gets you partway there. But SCM
also includes deployment, change management, test automation, defect
tracking, and various other workflow processes, none of which are met by
a dedicated VCS like Bazaar or Darcs; and to ask such a VCS to *also* be
an SCM tool, as I believe you described in your typical workflow, is a
poor choice in my estimation.

Until we get a good SCM that uses (our choice of) good VCS and other
good tools for the other tasks, the best way I know of to integrate all
of those tasks is to use existing excellent tools for each one within a
powerful automatable general-purpose workflow manager: the shell.

 \         “Money is always to be found when men are to be sent to the |
  `\   frontiers to be destroyed: when the object is to preserve them, |
_o__)     it is no longer so.” —Voltaire, _Dictionnaire Philosophique_ |
Ben Finney

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