bzr-Explorer could be a better learning tool.

Philippe Lhoste PhiLho at
Thu Nov 5 09:01:23 GMT 2009

On 05/11/2009 08:16, Algis Kabaila wrote:
> bzr-Explorer is the *kill-application* for Bazaar.

I agree! :-)

> Whilst I consider that GUI 
> has disadvantages, mainly in difficulty to document it, it is used much more 
> widely than CLI.

Not sure about this, particularly in the Unix world, and certainly not in the VCS world (I 
first though you wrote about BE but I see now it is a generic statement) but GUIs are sure 
a good way to attract casual users. A good GUI is often what people first look at (hence 
the popularity of screenshots as first contact with a software!).

> OTH, there will invariably be occasions when CLI will be required.  This is 
> the case with most programs, but particularly with versioning tools. 

Sure. That's why some GUI tools, like FTP clients, often offer a direct access to CLI too. 
It lets at least access to more specialized commands (and plugins!).

> I would think that it would not be too difficult to add one icon on the tool 
> bar, called perhaps "debug" that would toggle a small panel/window that would 
> show the bzr command being executed (including the switches). It would not 
> stand in the way of normal operation and give an option to use the bzr-
> Explorer as a learning tool.

We discussed that recently, I mentioned that Perforce, for example, which has an excellent 
Qt-based GUI, has an option to display the P4 commands that are generated.
I mention that to show this is a good idea shared by others! :-)

Philippe Lhoste
--  (near) Paris -- France
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