Question about features

Daniel Carrera dcarrera at
Wed Nov 4 16:50:05 GMT 2009

Hi Tom,

Thanks. Great information. I have a few questions (below).

Tom Widmer wrote:
> This case would normally be handled using branchy development. I suspect 
> this sounds heavy weight to you, but this is what is involved in practice:
> bzr init-repo --no-trees .
> bzr branch upstreamurl trunk
> bzr co --lightweight trunk working
> cd working
> bzr switch --create-branch featureA
> hack
> bzr commit
> bzr switch --create-branch featureB
> hack
> bzr commit
> bzr switch --create-branch integration

So basically all the branches are in the same working directory? For 
example, can be in one branch and in another. Right? 
Doesn't that get confusing?

About the commands:

* What is the difference between "bzr init" and "bzr init-repo"?
* What does --no-trees do?
* What does --lightweight do? Is that what makes branches share the same 
working directory?

Lastly, what would happen if I run "bzr upload" right here? Would that 
send just the contents of the current branch (integration)? Or would it 
send the contents of all the branches?

If "bzr upload" sends everything, that would be great. I think it would 
probably do everything I need. One more question. What if I do this:

$ bzr switch --create-branch featureA
** hack
$ bzr commit
$ bzr switch --create-branch featureB
** hack
$ bzr commit
$ bzr upload  # Send to test server.
** Ooops, I made a mistake.
$ bzr switch featureA
$ bzr uncommit
** Fix bug.
$ bzr commit
$ bzr upload  # Send to test server again.
** Ok, now it works.
$ bzr switch integration
$ bzr merge ../featureA
$ bzr merge ../featureB
$ bzr commit

Would that work?


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