Daggy Fixes (was: Re: Question about features)

Danny van Heumen danny at dannyvanheumen.nl
Tue Nov 3 12:37:48 GMT 2009

I didn't know about this and find this an interesting idea. For those 
who are interested in this approach, I found a nice description at: 

Thanks Maarten!


Maarten Bosmans wrote:
> 2009/11/3 Daniel Carrera <dcarrera at gmail.com>:
> <snip/>
> Another nice way of working is something I believe is called 'daggy
> fixes', or something like that. When you want to fix a bug, you branch
> from the point the bug was introduced into the mainline and merge that
> bugfix branch back into the mainline. You can then very easily see
> which revisions where affected by the bug and, if you branched between
> the introduction of the bug and the merge of the bugfix, which
> branches don't contain the bugfix.
> <snip/>

> Maarten

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