Emacs Fastimport Issues

Jason Earl jearl at notengoamigos.org
Mon Nov 2 22:10:11 GMT 2009

I have some problems with the fastimport of the Emacs git repository
that I could really use some help resolving.

The problems stem from my desire to sort out some of the issues outlined
in this document:


In particular I have been working on:

* Check that all tags are present.  [FAIL?]

As the document points out it appears that some tags go missing in the
conversion.  What's more, I can resurrect these tags by using an older
bit of head tracking logic.  Here's a branch with logic that gets the
missing tags:


With this code I get a whole pile of branches with names like
amigados-merge.tag that contain the missing tags.

Unfortunately, this branch doesn't pass all of the fastimport tests, and
so there is probably something very badly wrong with it.  I would
continue my investigation to see what needs to be done, but I am
becoming a bottleneck for the Emacs bzr switchover, and I simply don't
have enough familiarity with bzr to figure this out in a timely manner.

So I am asking for some help.


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