Empty XMLRPC response from launchpad

Gordon Tyler gordon at doxxx.net
Wed Oct 28 14:11:07 GMT 2009

Vincent Ladeuil <v.ladeuil+lp <at> free.fr> writes:

> >>>>> "GT" == Gordon Tyler <gordon <at> doxxx.net> writes:
>     GT> I'm trying fix bug #186920
> Thanks for working on that !

Working from behind a corporate firewall and web proxy provides some motivation. 

>     GT> Any idea what could be causing this? Is the XMLRPC request malformed?
> No idea, but if *I* were trying to fix bug #186920, I'd look at
> reusing the bzr urllib-based http client which indeed knows how
> to deal with proxies...

Hmm... I hadn't thought of that. Thanks, I'll give it a try.


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