Empty XMLRPC response from launchpad

Gavin Panella gavin.panella at canonical.com
Wed Oct 28 14:07:36 GMT 2009

On Tue, 27 Oct 2009 21:00:19 +0000 (UTC)
Gordon Tyler <gordon at doxxx.net> wrote:

> I'm trying fix bug #186920 by using a modified form of Bill Bumgarner's 
> HTTPTransport (python bug #648658) for xmlrpclib which allows it to use urllib2 
> and thus an HTTP proxy, but I'm having a problem where the XMLRPC reply from 
> launchpad is just an empty page.

Is this still happening? Launchpad had a brown-out last night at about
the time of your email, and I noticed issues pulling branches at that
time, with XML-RPC related error messages. Maybe it's just Launchpad
and not your code.


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