Integrating two [unrelated] branches via fast-import
Alexander Belchenko
bialix at
Mon Oct 26 10:38:38 GMT 2009
Hi Ian,
I need your advice for my something strange task.
I have 2 repositories of FTE project: one repo is official CVS one, second repo is forked SVN repo.
SVN repo is not converted from CVS, but just started from some CVS revision. I want to join both
repos as common history in bzr shared repo.
I have successfully converted CVS repo with cvs2bzr, and converted SVN repo with svn-import (from
bzr-svn). Now I have 2 unrelated history: converted CVS and converted SVN.
I want to try join them manually via fastimport dump. Do you think it is possible?
E.g. I will dump first and second to fastimport stream, and then manually add links between both.
I'm not expert in fastimport format yet, so before I'll start to dig so deep I'd like to get some
advice from you, because you're master of bzr fast-import.
Is it possible and where I should start?
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