converting CVS repo to bzr

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Sun Oct 25 13:45:29 GMT 2009

Alexander Belchenko пишет:
> Alexander Belchenko пишет:
>> Alexander Belchenko пишет:
>>> Alexander Belchenko пишет:
>>>> Hi Ian,
>>>> I'm trying to convert CVS repo of FTE project to bzr with your 
>>>> fast-import plugin.
>>>> I'm working on Windows with standalone bzr.exe v.2.0.1 so my setup 
>>>> is interesting corner case. And BTW this is most default setup so far.
>>>> What I found so far.
>>> [...]
>>>> (To be continued).
>>> 3. If I understand correctly what your plugin trying to do inside 
>>> export-from-cvs is to run command:
>>> cvs2bzr --dumpfile SOURCE
>>> So I've run it this way manually:
>>>   File "C:\work\OSS\cvs2svn\trunk\cvs2svn_lib\", 
>>> line 156, in process_extraction_options
>>>     if not (options.blobfile and options.dumpfile):
>>> AttributeError: Values instance has no attribute 'blobfile'
>>> OK, it's not your fault, error comes from cvs2svn, but I want you 
>>> notice about this. This command simply does not work with latest 
>>> cvs2svn trunk.
>> 4. So I've managed to run cvs2bzr only with options file. In their 
>> example I've modified path to sort utility, plus specified valid paths 
>> to CVS repo and output dump fi file. Here is the diff:
> [...]
>> So it seems conversion was successful in the end.
> I was SO WRONG... :-(
> After conversion all files has zero length... :-(
> What can I do now?

Continue talking to myself.

After changing to using co utility instead of cvs one I finally get 
non-zero files. It seems that cvsnt used in TortoiseCVS is not suitable 
for cvs2bzr.

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