converting CVS repo to bzr
Alexander Belchenko
bialix at
Sun Oct 25 11:38:08 GMT 2009
Hi Ian,
I'm trying to convert CVS repo of FTE project to bzr with your
fast-import plugin.
I'm working on Windows with standalone bzr.exe v.2.0.1 so my setup is
interesting corner case. And BTW this is most default setup so far.
What I found so far.
1) In the help for fast-export-from-cvs you wrote:
Windows users need to install GNU sort and use the `--sort`
option to specify its location. GNU sort can be downloaded from
This is wrong advice, because:
a) there is not possible to download zip from that page anymore: gives me error 403.
b) The page claims:
GNU sort, which is part of the coreutils package, see Binaries for Win32 can be found
at Windows sort.exe is *not* adequate.
So I've downloaded sort from project. If it won't
be enough I'll looking on
2) Because with standalone bzr.exe there is not possible to "install
cvs2svn v.2.3 or later" then I did batch file called "cvs2bzr.bat" in
the current directory where I'm trying to run conversion. Unfortunately
your tool does not see it anyway:
Volume in drive C is XP
Volume Serial Number is B47B-BD42
Directory of C:\work\OSS\FTE\\FTE
25.10.2009 13:36 <DIR> .
25.10.2009 13:36 <DIR> ..
25.10.2009 13:21 60 cvs2bzr.bat
25.10.2009 13:10 <DIR> CVSROOT
25.10.2009 13:10 <DIR> fte
1 File(s) 60 bytes
4 Dir(s) 29 871 513 600 bytes free
C:\work\OSS\FTE\\FTE>cvs2bzr.bat --version
cvs2bzr version 2.4.0-dev
C:\work\OSS\FTE\\FTE>cvs2bzr --version
cvs2bzr version 2.4.0-dev
C:\work\OSS\FTE\\FTE>bzr fast-export-from-cvs fte
bzr: ERROR: cvs2bzr missing. Please install cvs2svn 2.30 or later and
try again.
C:\work\OSS\FTE\\FTE>bzr -Derror fast-export-from-cvs fte
bzr: ERROR: bzrlib.errors.BzrError: cvs2bzr missing. Please install
cvs2svn 2.30 or later and try again.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "bzrlib\commands.pyo", line 842, in exception_to_return_code
File "bzrlib\commands.pyo", line 1037, in run_bzr
File "bzrlib\commands.pyo", line 654, in run_argv_aliases
File "C:\work\Bazaar\plugins\fastimport\", line 775, in run
File "C:\work\Bazaar\plugins\fastimport\exporters\", line
323, in fast_export_from
BzrError: cvs2bzr missing. Please install cvs2svn 2.30 or later and try
I dunno why it don't like my bat file, so I'll try to export manually
with instructions from page
(To be continued).
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