Bazaar Explorer problem

Dave Murray irongut at
Fri Oct 23 12:35:15 BST 2009

Russel Winder <russel.winder at> wrote: 
> On Fri, 2009-10-23 at 11:47 +0100, Dave Murray wrote:
> [ . . . ]
> > The links should open the files in an editor. Do you have an editor
> > up in Settings, Configuration, User Configuration? What happens if
> > select a file in the working tree view and click the Edit button?
> Tried doing the edit test and it failed the same way.  Checked the
> configuration and the editor field was blank.  I put in my emacs
> launcher script and that now works.
> Thanks for the tips -- most helpful.
> > If you don't have an editor set up I think it defaults to Wordpad on
> > Windows, I don't know what the default is on Linux.
> Clearly on my Ubuntu there is no default.  :-(
Just double checked on Windows and it does default to Wordpad. It would
be good to open a bug on this for Linux since that error message was
very unhelpful.
Dave Murray
Glasgow, UK
irongut at

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