Bazaar Explorer problem

Dave Murray irongut at
Fri Oct 23 11:47:07 BST 2009

Russel Winder <russel.winder at> wrote:
> Many of these items are underlined and clearly links.  However if I
click on any of 
> them I get a dialogue box saying 
> 	bzr: ERROR: [Errno 13] Permission denied
> The log simply says:
> <time-since start>	None
> for each incident.
> So the question is how is a user supposed to know what permission
where is 
> incorrect?
> Pressing Ignore allows continuance, pressing Close terminates Bazaar
Explorer.  I 
> guess this is what is supposed to happen.

The links should open the files in an editor. Do you have an editor set
up in Settings, Configuration, User Configuration? What happens if you
select a file in the working tree view and click the Edit button?

If you don't have an editor set up I think it defaults to Wordpad on
Windows, I don't know what the default is on Linux.


Dave Murray
Glasgow, UK
irongut at

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