Any ex ClearCase or VSS users out there?
Vincent Ladeuil
v.ladeuil+lp at
Thu Oct 22 08:49:00 BST 2009
>>>>> "Maritza" == Maritza Mendez <martitzam at> writes:
Maritza> The way I think of this (and some experts will
Maritza> probably correct me) is that ClearCase fundamentally
Maritza> tracks history of each file, from which the history
Maritza> of a branch must be inferred.
Maritza> Conversely, bzr (like some other tools) tracks the
Maritza> history of branches, from which the history of
Maritza> individual files can be inferred.
Maritza> What I am saying -- as someone who has helped a few
Maritza> people make the jump from ClearCase to bzr -- is
Maritza> that it might be much easier to present the bzr way
Maritza> as a different way to achieve the same goals than to
Maritza> try to literally translate one into the other.
Maritza> So I'm not sure how much help I can be in the stated
Maritza> goal of helping people migrate by documenting
Maritza> parallels between ClearCase and bzr.
I think you underestimate yourself here ; I'm pretty sure the
paragraphs I quoted above are very precious for people coming
from ClearCase...
Maritza> I'll have to think about that. What I do know is
Maritza> that it is possible to migrate without that
Maritza> documentation, if the people you are traning want to
Maritza> make the change.
On the other hand, the people who don't want to make the change
are less likely to read that document :)
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