Bazaar Survival Guide updates (darcs, hg)

John Szakmeister john at
Wed Oct 21 10:25:11 BST 2009

On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 4:36 AM, Ian Clatworthy
<ian.clatworthy at> wrote:
> A few days ago, I asked a few community members privately to help with
> the documentation that eases the transition to Bazaar from other tools.
> I'm pleased to announce some nice improvements along those lines:
> * for Darcs users -
> * for Mercurial users -

It's great that others are stepping in to help.  I'm wondering if "bzr
help urlspec" is out-of-date though.  In particular, the user's guide
talks about bzr+http://, but it doesn't appear as an option in the
urlspec help.  As a result, the Mercurial guide has a partially
incorrect statement:
  "Unlike Mercurial, however, there is no read/write HTTP protocol built in."

You could use bzr+http://, right?


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