Recommended backup procedure and preserving my data...

John Szakmeister john at
Fri Oct 16 14:37:13 BST 2009

On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 7:54 AM, Adrian Wilkins
<adrian.wilkins at> wrote:
>> I don't understand how that gets me ACLs.  Aren't the incoming
>> requests still the same?  If I could get ACLs using Apache as a proxy,
>> shouldn't I be able to do so without the proxy portion?  Sorry for
>> being thick, I just don't get what is enabling ACLs in this case.
> Just to be clear, it's not full path-based access control as is possible
> in Subversion. What is possible, is possible for the same reasons - the
> web server is fielding all the requests and can deny or permit access
> based on the URL and the authenticated user.

I didn't assume that it would be. :-)

> Because mod_dav_svn uses paths that equate with paths in the repository,
> you can use more fine-grained control (this was the only way to do it
> until they more recently implemented ACL in the standalone server).
> With Bazaar and indeed, with any DVCS, the only control you have is over
>  whole branches. If you're distributing the entire history of a branch
> to someone, you can't stop them reading it, so DVCS doesn't bother
> trying. Likewise you can't stop them committing revisions to it. The
> only thing you can do is control is access to the branches on your server.


> If you proxy connections through Apache, or configure Apache to be your
> smart server you can use it's access control.

John's statement made it seem like using loggerhead affords me
something more in the ACL department... that's what I don't
understand.  It seems to me, I get the same ability from Apache
whether or not loggerhead is in the picture.

> You can run a smart-server using loggerhead (not familiar with this) or
> by using WSGI. The relevant page in the docs for an HTTP-smart-server
> would be
> ;
> or there is a Windows-centric method of getting it to work on IIS at

I did ultimately find that, but thanks!


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