Translations of bzr-explorer
Algis Kabaila
akabaila at
Thu Oct 15 08:21:35 BST 2009
On Thursday 15 October 2009 17:22:21 Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> AFAIK, the '&' only affects menu accelerators, and in fact defines
> them.
> What this means to the translators is that they are free to choose any
> character for the accelerator. There are two plausible strategies,
> then. First, choose the same character as in other languages,
> especially English since that is the most commonly implemented
> language. This probably is only a reasonable heuristic in
> multilingual cultures (Swiss, Belgian, Quebec) where people are likely
> to be switching keyboards.
I would add to that list the Baltic languages - Finish (Linus original
country), Norwegian, Estonian (which is very similar to Finish), Latvian,
Lithuanian. I think it would apply also to Slavic languages, Polish,
Ukrainian, Russian, Croatian etc.
> Second, choose the same character as in other applications where that
> function is defined in *your* language. Note how this applies to
> "E&xit" vs. "&Quitter" in the French example.
It is rather easy for French, as English borrows so readily from Latin and
Germanic languages. After all, "Quitter" is the same as "Quit".
> So quitting should be hard to
> do. Putting it on a "little finger key" or even a multiple keystroke
> character might not be a bad idea (if supported).
Good point. A simpler way may be not to have an accelerator at all for "Quit",
aham, "Exit".
> HTH.
It really does - thank you.
> Regards,
> Steve
Algis Kabaila, MEngSc, PhD(Eng)
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