new Bazaar homepage URL

Algis Kabaila akabaila at
Sun Oct 11 11:05:08 BST 2009

On Friday 09 October 2009 16:33:44 Martin Pool wrote:

> I propose that we move the Bazaar site to

Bazaar is an open source project that has attracted a great deal of community 
support.  As a member(*)  of the community, I applaud Canonical for its 
support of an open source project under a GPL licence.  The licence is held by 
the Canonical.  If Canonical can rightfully license Bazaar, why should they 
not choose where to display its website and open documentation?

I don't see anything in this proposal that anyone could seriously object to.  
If someone holds a GPL or similar licence of a project, who but the licence 
holder should choose where to display it?

Sure, Martin could have worded this a little more inclusively, but what the 
heck. Isn't the overall result just great, when Open Source project is 
supported by a commercial entity?  It would be indeed strange if the community 
were to lessen its participation in and/or enthusiasm for  this project.  

As to the "google juice", presumably that has been given careful consideration 
before pronouncing  "I propose...".  

(*) Community members are not appointed by anybody - there are no application 
forms to join.  Anyone can join if they choose to.  So I choose to join  :)  
My "claim to fame" is not my prowess in programming, documentation or any 
other activity.  Arguably at 84 and 1/2 years I am the oldest member of this 
mailing list, so please be kind to animals and old people and bear with me... 
By all means disagree, though I hope that you will agree  :)  


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