1st post, so some basic questions

Maarten Bosmans mkbosmans at gmail.com
Fri Oct 9 09:40:52 BST 2009

Hi Lance,

2009/10/8 lance raymond <lance.raymond at gmail.com>:
> Thanks Martin (sorry for the direct reply), but didn't even notice the 'not
> using karmac' so was using that repo causing the problems.
> I changed to the intrepid one, and installed like a charm, thanks.
> Now what reading (or simple package/add-on) should I use to accomplish what
> I need.  Basically I have 8 webservers, will jump on one, edit a virtualhost
> for example, save then commit.  I want that commit to also copy the files to
> the other 7 webservers.  They are all setup with ssh key's between them, but
> I think I need sftp running, etc. and haven't seen any 'how-to'.

As I understand it, you have a bzr branch on every webserver and want
to sync between all of them when one of them has a change. You could
change that setup to having just one branch, and distributing the
changes with the upload plugin.

If you do want to have a real branch on every server, I imagine there
could be a situation where some configuration setting differ per host.
This can be handled by the loom or pipeline plugins.

For more information see:
and the links on that page to the specific plugins guide pages.

> Thanks, and man is this list active, will be a great learning tool as people
> submit!


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