Migrating an SVN repo subdirectory

Stuart P.Bentley stuart at testtrack4.com
Thu Oct 8 20:34:49 BST 2009

When I did this, I got a bunch of SVN folders in my project. What is the 
purpose of this? To allow users to handle unmigrated features? There was 
also a README.txt saying that it was an SVN repository and something like 
that I "shouldn't touch it".

"John Arbash Meinel" <john at arbash-meinel.com> wrote in message 
news:4ACC9B93.1080203 at arbash-meinel.com...
> Hash: SHA1
> Stuart P.Bentley wrote:
>> I'm looking to import a project over from SVN. This project (due to no
>> SVN planning) is in a folder in a subfolder of the root folder (each
>> containing files as well as folders). If I try to do a bzr svn-import,
>> it complains about the directory being inside a branch (even if I edit
>> the subversion.conf to define the path to the folder as a branch). I
>> cah't really migrate the entire repo, as I accidentally committed
>> several very large files. How can I import just this one folder?
> bzr branch .../just/the/folder
> Last I talked with Jelmer about it, his code assumed that if you are
> doing "bzr branch" then you want to import just that folder and what is
> underneath it.
> John
> =:->
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