Branching with a Central Repository

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Wed Oct 7 14:56:58 BST 2009

Tom Widmer пишет:
> John Arbash Meinel wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> ...
>>>>     # Merge in the changes
>>>>     bzr merge f:\root\ProjectGroup\Project1\feature-gui
>>> bzr merge feature-gui
>>> (again using a relative path)
>>>> Is there a better way to do this?  I've been reading the
>>>> documentation, but most of the branching/merging discussion focuses on
>>>> the distributed development workflow.
>>> The relative path trick makes things much simpler.
>>> Tom
>> I believe that 'switch' supports relative paths, but 'merge' does not 
>> yet.
> I think the feature could be improved and generalised. For example, 
> there could be specific URL prefixes you could use for various relative 
> paths, such as:
> ^ = repo root of branch this is a checkout of
> ~ = parent folder of branch this is a checkout of
> others? Obviously, the prefixes could be anything.


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