Nested Trees and History after Splitting
A. S. Budden
abudden at
Tue Oct 6 13:33:40 BST 2009
2009/10/2 A. S. Budden <abudden at>:
> Is there any way to delete all history that doesn't relate to the
> files that are present in the working directory at the moment?
> On a separate note, I've been reading
> and we are quite keen to use
> Also, are the split and join options likely to go into TortoiseBzr?
Dear all,
Thank you all for the really useful responses. I have successfully used:
mkdir ~/create_library
bzr fast-export . | bzr fast-import-filter -i Source/Debug.c -i
Headers/Debug.h - > ~/create_library/
cd ~/create_library
bzr fast-import Debug
to create the library module (it then got pushed into the central
repository obviously and checked out in the right place).
I will look forward with great anticipation the implementation of
nested trees so that we can automate the checkout of the various
subprojects. I might have a look at scmproj in the meantime if it
becomes an issue, but I am very keen on getting a long-term
implementation if it is possible.
Thanks again everyone.
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