1.17: How to delete backup.bzr after remote branch upgrade in launchpad?

Aaron Bentley aaron at aaronbentley.com
Mon Oct 5 04:46:16 BST 2009

Hash: SHA1

Russel Winder wrote:
> Aaron,
> On Thu, 2009-07-23 at 13:34 -0400, Aaron Bentley wrote:
> [ . . . ]
>> You can use an sftp client, or my bzr transport client, Hitchhiker,
>> which is at lp:hitchhiker.
> I thought I would try this approach to deleting the backup directories
> from a branch upgrade.  I thought I would try lftp since it has "rm -r"
> where sftp doesn't.
>         |> lftp russel at launchpad.net
>         Password: 
>         lftp russel at launchpad.net:~> ls       
>         `ls' at 0 [Connecting...]  
> and it just hangs there permanently :-(

As John noted, that will attempt to connect via ftp, which is not supported.

> Then I pulled Hitchhiker:
>         |> hitchhiker
>         unknown command "revert"
>         Unable to load plugin 'explorer' from '/home/users/russel/.bazaar/plugins'
>         (Cmd) 
> Not really quite sure why it is objecting to plugins that are properly
> installed and usable

Me neither.  Is there any further info in your .bzr.log?

 . . however it allowed me to connect and cd and ls.
> Pity there is no equivalent of "ls -ail"

The -i isn't supported, but the "lsl" command is the equivalent of ls -al.

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