- improving page

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at
Thu Oct 1 05:43:36 BST 2009

Jari Aalto wrote:

> PDF is not exactly a substitute for "one big HTML" as displayed in the
> dev pages. HTML files can be read by text only browsers very fast (with
> search capabilities).

Sphinx HTML comes with built-in search. This doesn't require Goggle
either. It works if you download the HTML and search it while offline.

> Also PDFs cannot be accessed on non-windowed
> environment. We must also remember that the Linux PDF handling is not
> always that convenient to Windows's counterpart.

What platforms is it a problem on? IMO, PDF is better on Ubuntu than on
Windows. On Ubuntu, it works straight out of the box.

> Many sites provide both the sectioned HTML document and the full "one
> big HTML".

Understood. I agree it's useful, it just isn't a priority for *me*
currently. If you're keen to make it happen, here's the Sphinx

It may be simple for us to provide by tweaking the Makefile in lp:bzr -
I'm not sure. If Sphinx can't do what you're after yet, I'm sure it's a
useful feature they'd want. Someone could be working on for their 1.0
release so ping their mailing list.

Ian C.

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