RFC: NEWS section headings *always present*

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Mon Sep 28 02:52:04 BST 2009

I could have sworn we put this into the docs before, but its not there,
so - checking noone objects:

I propose that whomever does a release, immediately (as in, when they
make the branch, not an arbitrarily large time later) submit a merge to
the parent branch that sets up the NEWS file with the canonical headers.

This will also apply to merges from 2.0.x->2.0 and 2.0->bzr.dev - after
every merge to an open branch, the open branch should *still have* the
right NEWS sections.

Concretely, right now the 2.0 branch has no section headers, so we're
going to be playing conflict-hockey until that stablises.

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