Autopack over dumb transports causes excess use of bandwidth.

Robert Collins robertc at
Fri Sep 11 00:55:04 BST 2009

On Thu, 2009-09-10 at 08:19 +1000, Martin Pool wrote:
> I think a configuration option to disable or tweak autopacking may be
> good - even though we want the default behaviour to be sensible, there
> may be special cases.  For instance in Australia it is common for
> people to have both peak-time and off-peak bandwidth quotas, and they
> might want to schedule an explicit repack in the middle of the night.
> Or you could repack when on a cheaper/faster network. 

I think this all makes sense. Its worth noting though, that if one *is
doing* these other manual pack operations, bzr is very unlikely to ever
trigger an automatic pack on routine push/pull operations. Not to say
that having a config option on the client (or server) to disable
remote-vfs-packing isn't needed, just that most folk with special needs
should be approximately fine simply by the act of  doing whatever
maintenance they were proposing to do separately.

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