Autopack over dumb transports causes excess use of bandwidth.

Gary van der Merwe garyvdm at
Wed Sep 9 01:15:20 BST 2009

I've been using bzr recently for managing websites. Autopack is really
hurting me like this.

The histories for these sites generally look like this:

Rev 1 - Initial commit of existing site. (for one site, the example I'll
use, this is about 20mb)
Rev 2 - Small change
Rev 3 - Small change
Rev 4 - Small change
Rev 5 - Small change

Lets say I push at rev 2 (via ftp.) 20mb gets uploaded.

Commit some more small revs...

Push. Autopack runs, which downloads 20mb, and then uploads 20mb+1. <-

Pull on computer B - Downloads 20m+1

Commit some more small revs on computer A, Push. Autopack runs, which
downloads 20mb+1, and then uploads 20mb+2. <- Unnecessary.

Pull on computer B - Downloads 20m+2 <- Unnecessary.

Repos are in 2a format, using bzr 1.7

I don't know if this a bug, or a user problem, but it is driving me crazy.

Can any one suggest how I can avoid this excess use of bandwidth?


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