Coexistence with automatic refactoring tools

Robert Collins robertc at
Thu Sep 3 20:58:55 BST 2009

On Thu, 2009-09-03 at 21:29 +0200, Olivier Lefevre wrote:
> I am just dipping my toes int DVCS and I have a question re.
> file renames: does bzr merely want to be notified of them or
> does it also expect to actually perform them? Because when
> using an automatic refactoring tool, the tool expects to
> perform the moves/renames and it'd be fighting with bzr for
> first dibs.

Either. Tools like eclipse have VCS integration which can do it with

From the commandline 'bzr mv' does a mv, 'bzr mv --after' tells bzr that
a tool rearranged things, and 'bzr mv --auto' tells bzr that stuff has
changed and to do its best to figure the details out.

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