Failure during remote upgrade

Barry Warsaw barry at
Wed Sep 30 15:39:04 BST 2009

On Sep 30, 2009, at 10:31 AM, Aaron Bentley wrote:

> It failed because you're not renaming backup.bzr to .bzr.

Connecting to
sftp> cd ~mailman-coders/mailman/3.0
sftp> rename backup.bzr .bzr
Couldn't rename file "/~mailman-coders/mailman/3.0/backup.bzr" to "/ 
~mailman-coders/mailman/3.0/.bzr": Failure

> Codehosting only permits a few top-level filenames: ".bzr",  
> "backup.bzr"
> and ".bzr.backup" (obsolete).  This is because we want to host Bazaar
> branches and nothing else.
> By renaming backup.bzr to backup.bzr.failed, you are trying to  
> create a
> forbidden filename.  The same is true when you try to rename .bzr to
> .bzr.failed.
>> LOSA time?
> No, not needed.
>> However, it's odd that there's a .bzr directory and a backup.bzr
>> directory.  I don't know how to crawl out of this hole. :(
> There is a backup directory in case something went wrong with the
> conversion.  It is retained even after the conversion is complete,  
> as a
> paranoid measure,  in case the conversion was somehow faulty.

Thanks for the background!

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